
Split test stats

When you're using split tests in Audello, you can view basic and more detailed information about them.

From the Files list

To quickly view your most important statistics for a split test, go to the Files list, choose 'Split tests' and then find your split test in the list. Click on it, and you'll immediately see the thumbnails for each of the included files at the top. You can also see, if you chose to end the split test on a certain date, when it's going to end.

Under this, you can see each file and next to each one, a small bar graph. The three bars display this file's plays, completed plays, and how many downloads it has had through podcasting apps.

From the stats page

The 'Overview' screen of your split test stats displays a bar graph of each of the files included in your split test. At the very top, you can see the totals for the split test.

Under this is a more detailed table, showing each file's values separately.


The Engagement tab shows you the heatmap for every one of your files, so that you can easily compare how much of your files your listeners are paying attention to.